Innovation Assistance

Who We Are

Innovation Assistance is the food security program of Innovation Youth. We host solidarity markets twice a month to improve access to good quality, affordable food in the Peter-McGill district. Additionally, mobile markets allow us to bring good food to seniors in our neighbourhood. Our tiered pricing model allows members of IA and the general public alike to shop at our markets! We also host food transformation sessions to improve food skills and build community in our kitchen. Our volunteer opportunities serve as an avenue for greater community engagement, particularly for families and youth interested in food security. For more information on scheduling, membership, and how to get involved, please visit our website.

Innovation Assistance runs solidarity markets every first and third Monday of the month from 1pm-5pm at Centre St Jax: 1439 Ste Catherine St W.


To be eligible for membership you must fulfill two criteria:

  1. Your home address is in the Peter-McGill district (Your postal code starts with one of the following: H3A, H3B, H3C, H3G, H3H, H3J, H3Y, H3Z)

  2. You self-identify as needing food assistance. (For instance, our member base is primarily made up of low-income seniors, students, families, and single parents.)

In considering membership, please keep in mind that our markets offer fresh produce and prepared foods at 50% of what you would pay on average at the grocery store. Given that our waitlist continues to grow and we continue to work with limited resources, we ask that you consider the situations of others as well as your own. Our goal is to increase the accessibility of food quality, affordable food for everyone in the neighbourhood, while aiming to prioritize those most in need. Though we do not ask for financial statements, we do ask that you keep all this in mind when requesting membership.

Get Involved with Us!

Get Involved with Us! ✽

There is lots more information on our website - check it out if you want to know more!

Innovation Assistance runs solidarity markets every first and third Monday of the month from 1pm-5pm at Centre St Jax: 1439 Ste Catherine St W.

Our food transformation sessions are held in the St Jax kitchen every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

For our market schedule, please visit our website. To participate in our food transformation sessions, email our volunteer coordination officer.

Our Partners


Direction régionale de santé publique (DRSP)

HelpAge Canada

Ville de Montréal